Manaia, a powerful personal guardian in Māori tradition, embodies mana – the concept of power, authority, and prestige. Believed to possess ethereal presence and energy,...
The manaia is the embodiment of mana - the archetypal Māori measure of worth, respect, and prestige. Along with its role as a kaitiaki (protector)...
The manaia is the embodiment of mana - the archetypal Māori measurement of worth, respect, and prestige. Along with its role as a kaitiaki (protector)...
The manaia is the embodiment of mana - the measure of worth, respect, and prestige. Along with its role as a kaitiaki (protector) of earth,...
Manaia are the kaitiaki (guardian) of the earth, sky, and sea. Worn as a pendant, they protect the wearer from harm and are a symbol...
Matau-manaia are contemporary forms of wearable taonga, that provide protection to their wearer. The matau-manaia personifies Tangaroa, the guardian over all living creatures in ngā...
Manaia are the kaitiaki (guardian) of the earth, sky, and sea. Worn as a pendant they protect the wearer from harm and are a symbol...
Matau Manaia are contemporary forms that personify Tangaroa, the guardian over all living creatures in ngā puna wai (water sources). This piece was carved and...
Manaia are the kaitiaki (guardian) of the earth, sky, and sea. Worn as a pendant they protect the wearer from harm and are a symbol...
The Archaic or Moa Hunter period is when the Polynesians made first contact with the moa, around 700 to 800 years ago. Moa Hunter people...
Manaia, a powerful personal guardian in Māori tradition, embodies mana – the concept of personal power, authority, and prestige. Believed to possess ethereal presence and...
A koropepe is a traditional Māori design resembling a tuna (eel) or ika (fish). It symbolises new beginnings, growth, and fertility, and often represents ancestral...