Beautiful New Zealand Taonga
Kowhaiwhai Rei Niho - Carved Whale Tooth Pendant
Rei Puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei Niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Kawakawa Matau - Pounamu Hook Pendant
Hei Matau are fish hooks fashioned in the style of Māui. These are symbols of abundance, prosperity, and wealth. They are also considered to provide good...
Ruakaraka Flower Jade - Pikorua Double Twist Pendant
The Twisting Pikorua represents balance in all things. In its eternal connectedness and perpetual movement, we see the balance of feminine and masculine, positive and...
Inanga Hei Toki - Pounamu Adze Pendant
In the ancient Māori world, the Toki or adze was a vital tool in everyday life. Toki have come to represent the strength and skill...
Aroha Whakaruruhau - Aroha Stone Shield Pendant
Whakaruruhau are breastplates or shield adornments that represent strength and leadership. They are a taonga of personal protection that share their beauty with the Te...
Inanga Porohita - Greenstone Disc Pendant
Porohita are the circles that represent the completion of cycles and are often thought seen in the sky through the celestial bodies, Tama-nui-te-rā and Hine-te-Marama,...
Kawakawa Pikorua - Pounamu Double Twist Pendant
The Twisting Pikorua represents balance in all things. In its eternal connectedness and perpetual movement, we see the balance of feminine and masculine, positive and...
Kawakawa Kapeu Pendant
Kapeu were historically worn as traditional earrings by both genders and indicate that an individual holds mana (prestige). Kapeu can be further decorated with feathers...
Walrus Tusk Rei Niho - Whale Tooth Pendant
Rei puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Niho Paraoa Hei Tiki - Whale Tooth Tiki Pendant | Charlie Wilson
Hei tiki represent the form of the first human, worn by Māori they are a prestigious gift. Hei tiki are a remembrance of Tupuna (ancestors)...
Pipiwharauroa Hei Toki - Adze Pendant
In the ancient Māori world, the Toki or adze was a vital tool in everyday life. Toki have come to represent the strength and skill...
Kahurangi Double Koru Hei Toki - Adze Pendant
In the ancient Māori world, the Toki or adze was a vital tool in everyday life. Toki have come to represent the strength and skill...
Raukaraka Pounamu Ring
Raukaraka stone is a rare form of pounamu. It is named after the leaf of the karaka tree because of the orange colour that the...
Moa Hunter Period - Shell Rei Niho Neck Ornament
The Archaic or Moa Hunter period is when the Polynesians made first contact with the moa, around 700 to 800 years ago. Moa Hunter people...
Hawaiian Lei Niho Palaoa
The Lei Niho Palaoa is a Hawaiian neck ornament traditionally worn by ali’i (chiefs) of both sexes. It was traditionally crafted from braided human hair and ivory teeth...
Rei Niho Manaia - Moa Hunter Period Neck Ornament
The Archaic or Moa Hunter period is when the Polynesians made first contact with the moa, around 700 to 800 years ago. Moa Hunter people...
Inanga Pounamu Hei Matau - Allen Hartnett
Hei Matau are fish hooks fashioned in the style of Māui. These are symbols of abundance, prosperity, and wealth. They are also considered to provide good...
Raukaraka Pounamu Kapeu Pendant - Daryl Munro
Kapeu can be further decorated with feathers to enhance their appearance. These taonga were a sign of status, leadership and authority. Historically, Kapeuwere originally traditional...
Pounamu carved Hei Toki with koru - Adze Pendant
In the ancient Māori world, the Toki or adze was a vital tool in everyday life. Toki have come to represent the strength and skill...
Pounamu carved Hei Toki with koru - Jade Adze Pendant
In the ancient Māori world, the Toki or adze was a vital tool in everyday life. Toki have come to represent the strength and skill...
Pounamu Pito Blade
Pito blades are ceremonial knives fashioned to cut old ties and welcome new life into this world. Traditionally they were tools used by Tapuhi (midwives)...
Kawakawa Hei Toki - Pounamu Adze Pendant
In the ancient Māori world, the Toki or adze was a vital tool in everyday life. Toki have come to represent the strength and skill...
Raukaraka Koru - Pounamu Spiral Pendant
Koru are the quintessential pattern of Māori design. Taken from the fern frond, are found throughout the forests of Aotearoa, Koru represents the growth, the...
Kawakawa Pikorua - Pounamu Twist Pendant
The Twisting Pikorua represents balance in all things. In its eternal connectedness and perpetual movement, we see the balance of feminine and masculine, positive and...
Kawakawa Pikorua - Pounamu Twist Pendant
The Twisting Pikorua represents balance in all things. In its eternal connectedness and perpetual movement, we see the balance of feminine and masculine, positive and...
Aroha Stone Roimata - Tear Drop Pendant
Roimata in the form of teardrops, are a Tohu (sign) of our emotions in times of joy, sadness, celebration and tribulation. They remind us of...
Roimata Raukaraka - Pounamu Tear Drop Penadnt
Roimata in the form of teardrops, are a tohu (sign) of our emotions in times of joy, sadness, celebration and tribulation. They remind us of...
Aroha Stone Roimata - Tear Drop Pendant
Roimata in the form of teardrops, are a tohu (sign or symbol) of our emotions in times of joy, sadness, celebration and tribulation. They remind...
Kawakawa Matau - Pounamu Hook Pendant
Hei Matau are fish hooks fashioned in the style of Māui. These are symbols of abundance, prosperity, and wealth. They are also considered to provide good...
Matau-Manaia Inanga - Pounamu Hook Guardian Pendant
Matau-manaia are contemporary forms of wearable taonga, that provide protection to their wearer. The matau-manaia personifies Tangaroa, the guardian over all living creatures in ngā...
Kawakawa Roimata - Jade Pendant
Roimata carved in the form of teardrops, are a Tohu (sign) of our emotions in times of joy, sadness, celebration and tribulation. They remind us...