Māori patu - traditionelle neuseeländische Māori-Waffen
Taiaha Upoko Aero Oka - Maori Head and Tongue Dagger Pendant
The Taiaha is a traditional weapon of the Maori of New Zealand and a chiefs weapon of authority. This pendant features the 'upoko‘ (head) which...
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Kawakawa Pito Blade
Pito Blades are ceremonial knives fashioned to cut old ties and welcome new life into this world. Traditionally they were tools used by Tapuhi (midwives)...
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Pounamu Pito Blade
Pito Blades are ceremonial knives fashioned to cut old ties and welcome new life into this world. Traditionally they were tools used by Tapuhi (midwives)...
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Pounamu Pito Blade
Pito blades are ceremonial knives fashioned to cut old ties and welcome new life into this world. Traditionally they were tools used by Tapuhi (midwives)...
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Purerehua - Native Timber "Bull-roarer"
Purerehua, also known as "Bull-roarer" are made of bone, wood or stone. They are blade-like and swing on a long cord producing a loud, deep...
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Pounamu Pito Blade
Pito blades are ceremonial knives fashioned to cut old ties and welcome new life into this world. Traditionally they were tools used by Tapuhi (midwives)...
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Poi Āwhiowhio - Maori Whistling Gourd
This Poi Āwhiowhio - Maori Whistling Gourd comes in several different styles. Natural yellow and with hand-painted designs. Each is woven and bound with a...
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Taiaha Upoko Aero Oka - Maori-Kopf und Zungendolch-Anhänger
Die Taiaha ist eine traditionelle Waffe der Maori in Neuseeland und eine Autoritätswaffe der Häuptlinge. Dieser Anhänger zeigt den „Upoko“ (Kopf), der aus Walknochen geschnitzt...
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Taiaha Upoko Aero Oka - Maori-Kopf und Zungendolch-Anhänger
Die Taiaha ist eine traditionelle Waffe der Maori in Neuseeland und eine Autoritätswaffe der Häuptlinge. Dieser Anhänger zeigt den „Upoko“ (Kopf), der aus Walknochen geschnitzt...
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Pounamu Taonga Porotiti Pendant
The porotiti is a disc, often beautifully shaped and ornamented, which can be spun on twin cords to create a mysterious humming accompaniment to singing...
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Inanga Waihaka - New Zealand Jade War Club
This double sided Waihaka - NZ War Club features kōwhaiwhai patterns and is bound with a muka coloured braided wrist tau (cord). It sits on native timber base...
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Kotiate Parāoa - New Zealand Whalebone Striking Club
This double sided Kotiate Parāoa - New Zealand Whalebone Striking Club features kōwhaiwhai patterns at it’s core and is bound with a wax muka (tan) coloured...
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Waihaka Parāoa - New Zealand Whale Bone Hand Club
This double sided Waihaka Parāoa - NZ Whale Bone War Club has features stylised manaia with pāua shell inlaid eyes and intricately carved kōwhaiwhai pattern at...
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Patu Parāoa - NZ Whale Bone Hand Club
This Patu Parāoa - NZ Whale Bone Hand Club has been hand-carved from whale bone and features a muka coloured braided wrist tau (cord), grooved...
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Geschnitzter Knochen Koauau
Hirschknochen Kōauau, vollständig graviert und geschnitzt von Yuri Terenyi. Der Knochen wurde gefärbt, um ihm ein gealtertes Aussehen zu verleihen.
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Pounamu Ipu Kohatu - New Zealand Jade Bowl
This stunning Pounamu Ipu Kohatu - New Zealand Jade Bowl measures roughly 26.5 x 17 x 2.8 cm and was hand-carved by Alex Sands. This is a beautiful...
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Bowenite Ipu Kohatu - Large Pounamu Bowl
This stunning Bowenite Ipu Kohatu - Large Pounamu Bowl measures roughly 315 x 220 x 45 mm and was hand-carved by Alex Sands. This is a...
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Pounamu Wahaika - New Zealand Jade War Club
This Pounamu Wahaika - New Zealand Jade War Club has been carved with beautiful translucent pounamu and and features a muka coloured braided wrist tau (cord)...
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Schwarze Maire Pūtōrino
Pūtōrino sind die Verkörperung von Hine Raukatauri (Göttin der Musik). Pūtōrino produziert sowohl eine männliche als auch eine weibliche Stimme, mit einer dritten Geisterstimme zwischen...
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Purerehua - Native Timber "Bull-roarer"
This beautifully crafted Purerehua - Native Timber "Bull-roarer" was carved and crafted by Alex Sands using the native timber of Aotearoa. The handle and instrument...
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Pounamu Ipu Kohatu - Satin Finish New Zealand Jade Bowl
This gorgeous Pounamu Ipu Kohatu - New Zealand Jade Bowl measures roughly 250 x 173 x 47 mm and was hand-carved and polished with a satin...
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Rimu Pounamu Kumete - Carved Native Timber and Greenstone Bowl
This gorgeous hand-carved Rimu Pounamu Kumete - Carved Native Timber and Greenstone Bowl measures 340 x 76 x 130 and features a lovely disc of...
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Pūtātara - Maori Trumpet
This Pūtātara - Maori Trumpet was hand carved. The mouth piece is made from native New Zealand timber, stained and intricately carved. This piece measures 33...
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Mataī Wahaika - New Zealand Black Pine War Club
This Mataī Wahaika - New Zealand Black Pine War Club has been carved Mataī timber and features a muka coloured braided wrist tau (cord) and sits on...
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Rimu Patu - New Zealand Native Timber War Club
This Rimu Patu - New Zealand Native Timber War Club has been hand-carved from Rimu timber and features a muka coloured braided wrist tau (cord),...
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Taiaha Upoko Aero Oka - Maori-Kopf und Zungendolch-Anhänger
Die Taiaha ist eine traditionelle Waffe der Maori in Neuseeland und eine Autoritätswaffe der Häuptlinge. Dieser Anhänger zeigt den „Upoko“ (Kopf), der aus Walknochen geschnitzt...
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South Westland Pounamu Mere - New Zealand Jade War Club
Beware the woman who wields this mere, she is small but deadly. This Pounamu Mere - New Zealand Jade War Club has been carved with beautiful...
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Pounamu Mere Reke - New Zealand Jade War Club Heel Pendant
This Pounamu Mere Reke - New Zealand Jade War Club Heel Pendant has been carved with the darker outer edge of Raukaraka pounamu and and features...
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Black Maire Wahaika - Maori Weapon
Wahaika were commonly used prior to European settlement and made from either whale bone or wood. The name means mouth of a fish, because of...
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Handcrafted Wooden Patu on Matai Base - Darin Jenkins
Introducing the Handcrafted Wooden Patu on Matai Base by Darin Jenkins. This piece measures 450 x 140mm for the Patu and 470 x 140mm for...
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Svord Knife with Inanga Pounamu Handle
This knife, featuring a pounamu handle, is a collaboration between premium knife makers Svord and Sands Carving Studio. It comes with a custom, handmade leather...
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Pounamu Svord Deluxe Utility Fixed Knife
This knife, featuring a pounamu handle, is a collaboration between premium knife makers Svord and Sands Carving Studio. It comes with a custom, handmade leather...
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Kawakawa Kotiate - Double Bladed Short Club
Kotiate is a short thrusting weapon used in close combat. Kotiate literally means to sever or cut, possibly at the site of te ate (the...
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Paraoa Wahaika - Whale Bone Close Combat Weapon
Wahaika, meaning the fish mouth, were close-combat weapons used to bait and engage an enmy into a duel at their peril. The notched edge of...
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Kawakawa Wahaika - Fish Mouth Club
Wahaika, meaning the mouth of a fish, were close-combat weapons used to bait and engage an enemy into a duel at their peril. The notched...
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