Traditional and Modern Maori Weapons, Bowls, and Instruments.
Purerehua - Native Timber "Bull-roarer"
Purerehua, also known as "Bull-roarer" are made of bone, wood or stone. They are blade-like and swing on a long cord producing a loud, deep...
Poi Āwhiowhio - Maori Whistling Gourd
This Poi Āwhiowhio - Maori Whistling Gourd comes in several different styles. Natural yellow and with hand-painted designs. Each is woven and bound with a...
Black Maire Pūtōrino - New Zealand Native Timber Flute
This piece was carved from Black Maire wood and features muka (tan) wax cord detailing. It measures roughly 265 x 30 mm. Pūtōrino are the embodiment of Hine...
Purerehua - Native Timber "Bull-roarer"
This beautifully crafted Purerehua - Native Timber "Bull-roarer" was carved and crafted by Alex Sands using the native timber of Aotearoa. The handle and instrument...
Pūtātara - Maori Trumpet
This Pūtātara - Maori Trumpet was hand carved. The mouth piece is made from native New Zealand timber, stained and intricately carved. This piece measures 33...