Rei puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Flower Jade Rei Niho - Pounamu Whale Tooth Pendant
Sold Out$299.00
Rei puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Inanga Rei Niho - NZ Greenstone Whale Tooth Pendant
Sold Out$806.00
Rei puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Rei puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Rei Puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei Niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Rei puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Pounamu Rei Niho Notched Pendant - Whale Tooth Pendant
Sold Out$388.00
Rei puta is chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei Niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Rei puta is chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei Niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Rei Niho Kahurangi - Greenstone 'Whale Tooth' Pendant
Sold Out$233.00
Rei puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of tohorā (whale). Rei niho carved from pounamu maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...
Rei puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of tohorā (whales). They are a reminder of the intimate connection between Māori and tohorā....
Often considered descendants of Tangaroa, whales whakapapa to Māori and are highly regarded tūpuna (ancestors) symbolising abundance and strength. Rei puta symbolise this connection, with...
Often considered descendants of Tangaroa, whales whakapapa to Māori and are highly regarded tūpuna (ancestors) symbolising abundance and strength. Rei puta symbolise this connection, with...
Often considered descendants of Tangaroa, whales whakapapa to Māori and are highly regarded tūpuna (ancestors) symbolising abundance and strength. Rei puta symbolise this connection, with...
Often considered descendants of Tangaroa, whales whakapapa to Māori and are highly regarded tūpuna (ancestors) symbolising abundance and strength. Rei puta symbolise this connection, with...
Rei Puta are chiefly taonga traditionally carved from the teeth of Tohorā (whale). Rei Niho, carved from seal teeth, maintains the beauty of the traditional form,...