Paraoa Pouwhenua - Whale Rib Bone Sculpture

Sands Carving Studio


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This Paraoa Pouwhenua - Whale Rib Bone Sculpture measures 20 x 4.5 and was hand carved by Alex Sands. It sits on a brass frame and a native timber base. 

Similar to Native American totem poles, pouwhenua convey narratives that hold great importance for the Māori community, symbolizing their enduring cultural legacy in New Zealand. These structures recognize the deep connection between the people (tāngata) and the land (whenua), serving as a reflection of the intricate relationship between ancestors, environment, and the esteemed status of the tangata whenua.

Collections: Alex Sands, Sculptures

Category: alex sands, Bone, Pouwhenua, Sculpture, Whale bone

Type: General