Wear a jade teardrop (roimata) pendant for comfort
Aroha Stone Roimata - Tear Drop Pendant
WS$ 474.00
Roimata in the form of teardrops, are a Tohu (sign) of our emotions in times of joy, sadness, celebration and tribulation. They remind us of...
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Putiputi Pounamu Roimata - Pounamu Tear Drop Penadnt
WS$ 850.00
Roimata in the form of teardrops, are a Tohu (sign) of our emotions in times of joy, sadness, celebration and tribulation. They remind us of...
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Aroha Stone Roimata - Tear Drop Pendant
WS$ 278.00
Roimata in the form of teardrops, are a Tohu (sign) of our emotions in times of joy, sadness, celebration and tribulation. They remind us of...
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