Ngāti Rora, Ngāti Maniapoto, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Mahuta ki te Hauauru, Tūwharetoa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Hoturoa te tangata
Ko Te Nehenehenui te whenua Ko Manga-ō-Kewa te awa
Ko Rangitoto ki Tūhua ngā paemaunga
Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te iwi Ko Ngāti Rora te hapū
Ko Te Kūiti te pā
Ko Te Ranga-ā-haurua te whare ariki
Ko Te Tokanganui-a-noho te whare tūpuna
Ko Nau Mai Tuarua te wharekai
Ko Te Pirurutanga Mō Nga Uri ō Puku te papakainga
Ko Jeremy toku ingoa
Jeremy began his carving journey at our whare whakairo in 2023 after an injury caused him to leave his previous employment as a farmer and meatworker. Since joining the team, he has been able to pursue his passion and build skills as a kaiwhakairo, focusing on local traditions, materials and forms as well as developing unique contemporary style. He has a passion for his whakapapa and soaking up traditional purakau from our living taonga (treasures) - our kaumātua (elders).
The roimata embodies our emotions in times of joy, sadness, celebration and tribulation. Traditionally made from pounamu adzes or similar tools that were too worn...
View full product details$300.00
The roimata embodies our emotions in times of joy, sadness, celebration and tribulation. Traditionally made from pounamu adzes or similar tools that were too worn...
View full product details$720.00
Often considered descendants of Tangaroa, whales whakapapa to Māori and are highly regarded tūpuna (ancestors) symbolising abundance and strength. Rei puta symbolise this connection, with...
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