Ngāti Rora, Ngāti Maniapoto, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Mahuta ki te Hauauru, Tūwharetoa

Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Hoturoa te tangata
Ko Te Nehenehenui te whenua Ko Manga-ō-Kewa te awa
Ko Rangitoto ki Tūhua ngā paemaunga
Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te iwi Ko Ngāti Rora te hapū
Ko Te Kūiti te pā
Ko Te Ranga-ā-haurua te whare ariki
Ko Te Tokanganui-a-noho te whare tūpuna
Ko Nau Mai Tuarua te wharekai
Ko Te Pirurutanga Mō Nga Uri ō Puku te papakainga
Ko Jeremy toku ingoa

Jeremy began his carving journey at our whare whakairo in 2023 after an injury caused him to leave his previous employment as a farmer and meatworker. Since joining the team, he has been able to pursue his passion and build skills as a kaiwhakairo, focusing on local traditions, materials and forms as well as developing unique contemporary style. He has a passion for his whakapapa and soaking up traditional purakau from our living taonga (treasures) - our kaumātua (elders).

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